Colorful and comfortable room for play based learning activities at Smart Start Daycare Learning Centre at Ajax.

Toddler Room Daily Schedule

Full time or part time for children aged 18 months to 2 ½ years of age

6:30 to 8:00am: Arrival time / quiet activities 

8:00 to 8:30am: Morning snack

8:30 to 9:30am: Free play and diaper change

9:30 to 10:30am: Outdoor activities - transition and playground activities

10:30 to 10:40am: Hand-washing and readiness for programming

10:40 to 11:15am: Program activity (art, music, science, sensory programming)

11:15 to 11:30am: Lunch readiness (clean-up, diapering and hand washing)

11:30 to 12:15pm: Lunch (focus on encouraging self-feeding)

12:15 to 12:30pm: Hand-washing and transition to beds

12:30 to 2:30pm: Nap and rest time

2:30 to 3:30pm: Diaper changing / hand-washing and afternoon snacks

3:30 to 4:10pm: Fine motor activities / music and movement and hand washing

4:10 to 5:00pm: Outdoor activities - transition and playground activities

5:00 to 5:30pm: Story time / small group activities

5:30 to 6:30pm: Free play and exploration until pick-up

*Washroom routines are as needed and/or scheduled throughout the day
**Please note schedule may vary slightly by centre